20. 12. 2022

Ex Aequo award for Exercises in Style at the 28th Slavonian Biennial

20. 4. 2022

Exercises in Style at Remont Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia, 18.4.-13.5.2022

10. 7. 2021

“Why so serious” group show at Galerija Knifer in Osijek, Croatia (6. – 20.7.2021)

Opening of a “Why so serious” group show at Galerija Knifer in Osijek with Mario Čaušić, Krunoslav Dundović, SmallbutDangers, Mladen Stropnik and Sonja Vulpes. Curated by Božidar Zrinski.

12. 2. 2021

Hyper Art in Tyrol

Last summer I spent a few days driving around western Austrian state of Tyrol looking for Thomassons (Hyper Art fame) to be published in Quart Heft für Kultur Tirol and it just arrived at our door!

23. 11. 2020

“Without space there is no Photography” Zoom lecture for Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana

17. 11. 2020

“Photographs for Illustration Purposes Only” project coming soon!

Photographs for Illustration Purposes Only

The project entitled Photographs for Illustration Purposes Only addresses numerous aspects of patterns, canons and formulas in different fields of visual culture and wider public sphere. It will be presented in the form of a newspaper which is conceived on the initiative of photographer and artist Jaka Babnik but it is a collective endeavour of interdisciplinary group of creators and experts.

The project Photographs for Illustration Purposes Only is aimed at profound contemplations and reservations on verified patterns and equations that have been omnipresent in different fields of cultural industries and everyday life. The focal point of the artistic research is to detect and expose principles of communication and creating narratives in various fields of arts and culture. These principles enable creators, users and consumers of cultural properties to identify, in line with their expectations, with delivered massages which are designed to prompt precisely defined semantic or emotional stimuli. In the disciplines of arts such as music,poetry, painting or visual communication these patterns help to evoke particular and predictable feelings  such as melancholy, happiness, anger, fear, concern, empathy, longing or lust. In a similar way these patterns and equations also appear in a wider social and cultural context as well as in everyday life of a man. These indispensable tools – patterns, templates or equations – are part of generally accepted and wide spread techniques which, in years and centuries of consistent and continuous use, became archetypes and academicism.

Through the dialogue of images and articles the newspaper will present a wider spectre of the so called “formulaicity” or “equation” phenomenon in the fields of art, visual culture and wider public sphere.

More information coming soon!


Fotografija je simbolična

Projekt z naslovom Fotografija je simbolična naslavlja številne vidike vzpostavljenih vzorcev, kanonov in formul na različnih področjih vizualne kulture in širše družbene sfere. Predstavljen bo v obliki časopisa, ki je nastal na iniciativo fotografa in umetnika Jake Babnika, a je kolektivno delo interdisciplinarne skupine ustvarjalcev in strokovnjakov.

Projekt Fotografija je simbolična se posveča premislekom in pomislekom o preverjenih vzorcih, ki se neizbežno pojavljajo na različnih področjih kulturnih industrij in vsakdanjega življenja. Osrednje točke umetniške raziskave so primeri komuniciranja in ustvarjanja pripovedi na različnih področjih kulture in umetnosti, ki omogočajo ustvarjalcem, uporabnikom in potrošnikom kulturnih dobrin, da se v skladu s svojimi pričakovanji kar se da močno poistovetijo s podanimi sporočili, oziroma da ta sporočila vzbudijo točno določene pomenske ali čustvene dražljaje. Na področjih kot so glasba, poezija, slikarstvo ali vizualne komunikacije ti vzorci pomagajo vzbuditi predvidljiva občutja kot so otožnost, veselje, jezo, strah, zaskrbljenost, sočutje, hrepenenje ali poželenje. Na podoben način se vzorci in enačbe pojavljajo tudi v širši družbeni sferi in vsakdanjem življenju posameznika. Ta nepogrešljiva orodja, vzorci, šablone ali enačbe, pa so del splošno sprejetih in razširjenih tehnik, ki so v letih in stoletjih dosledne in kontinuirane rabe postale arhetipi in akademizmi.

Časopis bo skozi izmenjavo podob in člankov predstavil širši spekter fenomena t.i. „vzorčnosti“ oziroma „enačbenosti“ na področjih umetnosti, vizualne kulture in širše družbene sfere.

Več informacij kmalu!

22. 10. 2020

“Time Leveling” is up and for your viewing pleasure at MSUM until January 17, 2021.

29. 9. 2020

30th Memorial of Nadežda Petrović opens it’s doors on Saturday

28. 10. 2019

Pygmalion Opening, 22.10.2019 / Photos: Andrej Peunik / MGML

26. 10. 2019

Portrait by Urban Cerjak in front of a Lottery tickets pile

15. 10. 2019

“Pygmalion” opening in a week

26. 1. 2019

“Memory. Imprints of destruction and rebellion of life” at Vladimir Bužančić Gallery in Zagreb, Croatia

What was a show back in 2017 is again on show at Vladimir Bužančić Gallery in Zagreb, Croatia. “Heroes of my time” will be, together with works by Masaki Hirano and Bojan Radovič, on display till 16th of February 2019. Curated by Miha Colner. With texts by Marina Gržinić and Miha Colner.

23. 1. 2019

“Heroes of my time” as part of the “Precarious Environments” at Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova

“Heroes of my time” will be on display till 17th of March 2019 at MSUM as a part of a group show titled “Precarious Environments” (17 cases of contemporary photography in Slovenia).

11. 12. 2018

“When he hit the door the second time, I covered the hole with a poster” exhibition at Kresija Gallery

8 artist’s were invited to make work based on horrific stories told by the survivors of domestic violence as part of the show/campaign for raising awareness about this ever-present problem. I put on display a diptych of what could be/are two totally regular locations, where as both could serve as places of pure happiness for some, while being places of the worst memory possible for the others.
Photos from the opening by Kaja Brezočnik for Kresija Gallery

9. 10. 2018

Sometimes going an extra mile is just more than that

Reproduction/stitch from 14 images (160 x 780 cm) of Riko Debenjak in Maksim Sedej’s hidden fresco (for MGLC).

4. 7. 2018

Roundabout throwback. Top Location exhibition at Vetrinjski dvor, Maribor, 28.5. – 13.6.2018

22. 6. 2018

Ljubljana for GEN Annual Report / KOFEIN DIZAJN

22. 6. 2018

Petra Varl – Near Light, Galerija Božidar Jakac, Kostanjevica na Krki

30. 5. 2018

Failure to communicate

15. 5. 2018

Евгений Онегин for Celje City Theatre

Promotional images for Alexander Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin that premiered last Friday.

12. 4. 2018

At Rostfrei Publishing we published a new book

GRANDHEROES by Tadej Vaukman. 112 pages, 294 × 220 mm, edition: 200, soft bound.

3. 4. 2018

Milenko Matanovič and IRWIN did some walking yesterday

8. 2. 2018

Images for the “Community, Art and Nature” project

Some of the portraits of the artists residing in Švicarija Creative Centre and images through acrylic glass used for the graphic identity by Mina Žabnikar and Ivian Kan Mujezinović (Grupa Ee) for today’s “Community, Art and Nature” project opening.